18 March, 2009

"Did He Eat It?" Part Deux

We had been walking for some time around the confusing streets of Taipei. We said, no worries, there are plenty of food vendors all over, we'll find something. The area we happened to be in had few if not just this one "establishment". The menu was on the wall and most consisted of three Chinese characters. The problem was that I only either understood the first two and not the last OR the first and last but not the middle. The middle character turns out to be the key! Ah Chinese, you entice me with your witty banter.
This turns out to be Pork Liver
(I thought it was just pork)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Haha, of course you ate it. Half of the soup is gone! Next time, take the picture before you actually eat some :P
The blog idea was awesome! It's like we are in Taipei with you guys!