29 March, 2009

Confucius and Bao'An Temple

We visited the local Confucius and Bao'An temples which are near where our buddies Stephen and Stanley live. What are the Confucius and Bao'An temples of Taipei? I'm glad you asked. When I know the answer I will tell you. I do know that Confucius was around the time that Daniel (from the Bible silly) was roaming around. He established the moral code that is the lynchpin of Chinese culture and social structure.

Confucius Roof Top (I think he liked Dragons, there's a lot of them)

Here's the 'inner court' (notice: it was rainy and those steps can be hazardous! Jason slipped and for the first and last time in his life did the splits)

Bao'An (a few more plants but basically the same except for the heavy presence of bearded statues)

All of the 'sacrifices' to whoever or whatever Bao'An might be. I'll get back to you on this.


Unknown said...

THE SPLITZ! Jason I didn't know you could bust this move. Do you have a picture of this?!?!? Did you distract anyone from their prayers? Was there any resulting short-term functional damage?

Devin & Chai said...

hey you guys,
sounds like your are having a grand adventure. sorry we haven't been keeping up. your picture and adventure bring back great memories (chai called the stinky tofu from just the picture).