26 May, 2009

A Nice Break

We are off to a town Northeast of Taipei called Jilong (Keelung) to visit a "floating bookstore" called the Doulos. It travels around the world selling books but also bringing the message of Christ to the places that it travels. It will be in Jilong for about a month so we figured we'd go check it out.

We'll be back on Thursday night and then on Friday morning we are going with the Chen's to Sun Moon Lake in the middle of Taiwan. They have a house there that we are all going to stay in. It will be a good time for me to practice my language since two of the three people coming speak marginally good English and one speaks one word of English, "hello". So it'll be good practice for me and as Jessie said, "a nice time of reflection" for her! Should be fun!

We'll post some pictures when we get back.

22 May, 2009

More Info

Some bits of information that are helping us get to a conclusion (but we're not there yet):

-I was accepted to Peking University

-The job Jess applied for in Beijing will not pay enough to support both of us

We still have not heard back from Montgomery County in regards to Jessie's application. Jess plans to call them on Monday to pursue it further. Those are the only developments thus far.

19 May, 2009

Still Waiting, but a Little Update

I've sent some emails out to different advisors to see whether or not it is actually possible to finish all that is required in two semesters. No word yet.

Jess had a phone interview with a school in Beijing and it seems as though she could have a job if she wanted it.

No word from Montgomery County yet about a teaching position there.

No word from Peking University on whether I was accepted or not.

Keep praying!

18 May, 2009

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave....

We came with a plan....and it changed.....and changed......and changed. 

So I didn't receive the scholarship that I wanted but we decided to go to Beijing anyway. And then at breakfast the other day Jess and I were talking...and it all changed again!

We have always operated under the premise that if we were in the States I would work full-time and go to school part-time meaning I would graduate in the Spring of 2011. We wanted to go to Beijing because I would be able to graduate in the Winter of 2010, much better.

However, while we talking we thought, "what if you went to school full-time?" This got us thinking about how many credit hours I have left to graduate. We did some 'figurin' and discovered that if we came back to the States in August and I went to school full-time I could graduate in May 2010.

Whoa. (insert Keanu Reeves)

That throws the whole equation out of whack, so now we don't know what to do. A couple that we have become friends with made a very wise reference to Alice in Wonderland (so many jokes so little time!) but he said that Alice comes to a fork in the road and doesn't know which way to go. There is a cat in the tree and the cat asks her what's wrong. She responds that she doesn't know which way to go. The cat asks, "where are you going?" And Alice replies that she doesn't really know. "Well then it doesn't really matter which way you go", replied the cat.

I know it sounds cheesy but I though it was pretty profound that I don't know where we are going! So that's been what we're praying about, where are we going? Not geographically but in the end what will be the purpose of my degree and will going to Beijing really affect it in a significant way.

So now we're trying to weigh which is better: to graduate quickly or to have the experience. We've tried to cover both ends if need be by Jessie applying to both a county school in Maryland and several schools in Beijing.

We'll keep you updated on the process. I'm waiting to hear back from Peking Univ in regards to my acceptance and Jessie is waiting to hear back from the schools she's applied to. I suppose all those factors together will help us make a better decision.

13 May, 2009

Getaway! (Not you)

Jess and I recently took a trip to the most famous hotel in Taipei, the "Grand Hotel". Not too inventive with the name but a nice place none the less. Plus they had hot water in the shower the whole time! I believe  Shakespeare said it best when he said, "sweet." 

A look back towards the city from our balcony

A look down to the entry gate at night (if you hadn't noticed)

A front/side view

12 May, 2009

Decision Time!

Well, it is officially decided that we are going ahead as planned and moving to China. We have prayed about it and feel as though the door has not fully shut so we should not second guess what we feel the Lord directing us to do. We do feel however that this whole experience has been an issue of God showing us that we can trust Him no matter what situation doesn't go according to plan. And he has moved my parents to be ever so gracious to offer to loan us the money for tuition! So with that taken care of Jessie has applied for several positions in Beijing and I am waiting to hear back as to my acceptance to the university there.
So continue to pray for Jessie to find a job and for me to be accepted to Peking University. If those two things don't happen, then maybe that will be the final answer that we're not to go, but so far we're going for it. 
I've also been really challenged to pray for God's guidance in to what the outcome of this whole university experience will be. When I get my degree what do we do next? I've always said that I know that my purpose is to get this degree but I've never prayed about anything beyond that. So as I think about what it is that I'm supposed to do with this our hearts have been continually drawn (as they have always been) to missions. So while all sorts of different jobs sound interesting...that's all they are is interesting. However, missions get us both excited. So, we're praying for God to give us guidance as to what the end goal of all this is. If it's a normal job somewhere, fabulous, if missions, great, we're just praying as to which it is. Thanks for reading and praying for us, it means a lot to be a thousand miles away but still connected. We love you and miss you all.

04 May, 2009

Scholarship Update

Well, plans change I guess. As many of you know (I'll keep it brief for those that don't) I applied for a scholarship to continue my studies in Beijing after I finish here in Taipei. We just heard back on Friday that I did not receive the scholarship. So that means one of several thing:

One, we look for other scholarship opportunities that would allow us to continue as planned.

Two, we go on our own and pay out-of-pocket. Expensive but do-able.

Three, we come back to the States.

None of these are may favorite just so you know. I would rather have things just as they were, but the more I thought and prayed about it the more my thoughts changed. After returning to the States I would have a semester to finish at UMD and then a years work requirement with the US government. If I didn't like that job then we'd be about two and a half years from "settling down". We'd be no where close to a life of permanency. While it's fun to have "adventures" it would be nice to know that you have a permanent home somewhere. So maybe this is a good thing.
However, there is still a decision to be made. The up-side is that we could return and jump back in to what our life was prior to leaving without that much trouble. The down-side is that I would be a long way from finishing my degree. My advisors allocated a lot of hours to my study abroad program because of the level of intensity, therefore getting me down to 12 hours when I return.
So I'd like to continue on to Beijing if only that it will be faster in the long run for my graduation. It will also help to remove the leach that is the Univ. Bill Pay System. 
So that's what's up. Keep us in your prayers as this decision will have to be made within the month because I will hear back from the university in Beijing around that time and they will need an answer. Hopefully, we'll have one.

03 May, 2009

Answer III

Will and Devin, I'm so disappointed in you! Of course I ate it, and all of it! Pretty chewy.

Correction: Karina, I'm very disappointed in you. Will, my apologies. I know you believe in me! I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky....

02 May, 2009

"Did He Eat It?" III

This little conversation starter looks like a black rice crispy treat, however, it was introduced as "oh, these are really good, great texture....it's pigs blood congealed with sticky rice"
Not a rice crispy treat

01 May, 2009

Answer II

Yes, of course, he ate it. And much to the grossing out of Jessie