08 July, 2009

Did He Eat It?

It has finally happend, I tried to avoid it as much as possible, but a whole squid on a stick was served to me. It was cooked thoroughly, which is nice. So, what do you think?


Wikanalu Dickerson said...

you ate it and then used one of the tentacles to floss.

Devin & Chai said...

MMM El Squidido on el sticko...Yep you ate it starting with the tentacles and using the main body portion as a napkin.

Unknown said...

I can't believe the poor squiditos were still alive when they were thrown on the grill. I think you were about to dive and catch them before they hit the grill, but then decided they smelled good and ate them without remorse.

Unknown said...
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Wikanalu Dickerson said...

I actually think Jason thought it was a "Stick on a Squid" and he only ate the stick.

Wikanalu Dickerson said...

I think the squidido's name was Juan Ramirez, he had a bright future ahead of him .... well, until Jason ate him.

RIP Juan Ramirez.

Pd.- Jason, this is what happens when you wait too long to post the answer. ;)

Debbie said...

Of course you ate it... How was it?

gopdavey said...
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