28 June, 2009

Poo at the Zoo

There are always those things that have you asking, "could that be right?" Well, Jess and one of her tutor students, Tippy, went to the Taipei zoo one afternoon finding some interesting displays:

Yes, you are reading it correctly

Some have made them into artistic displays. My two favorite are 'sponge bob' and the two combined (on the left) to make 'ice cream' (how come I didn't think of that?)

That is a child posing for a picture....in poo....."it's a whole stool world, a new fantastic point of view"

This is Tippy in her new elephant hat

Jessie saw this wild bear on the loose in the zoo so just when they thought they would be attacked this panda ran up and they jumped on his back and were whisked away to safety

A GIANT turtle

Tippy really enjoyed the elephants
Jessie joining in with Tippy's favorite photo pose

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poop Art...I won't even start with that. Though there was some very artistic poop I must say!

The wild bear and panda looked bored.

How old was Tommy the turtle?