14 June, 2009

Did He & She Eat It?

We were invited to a friends house to have dinner and there were two things that Jessie and I had never tried so we will see what you guys think, did we eat these two things or not?

These are whole crabs that were fried, there small but you eat them whole

This is loofa (yes, what some of you had in your showers in the early nineties to scrub your feet with) obviously in it's pre-shower form


Wikanalu Dickerson said...

I think both of you ate both things.

Devin & Chai said...

Playing the odds I think both of you had seconds of both. And you finished with a big smile and said "Yum":)

Unknown said...

I think you were concerned about the crabs & loofa's rights to survive, and were about to turn them down...but then remember how extemely rude it would be to your guests, so you ate them out of obligation. But then you liked them. and asked for seconds. Jason polished off the loofa and when he went to restroom, glanced in the shower to see if there was any more.