12 May, 2009

Decision Time!

Well, it is officially decided that we are going ahead as planned and moving to China. We have prayed about it and feel as though the door has not fully shut so we should not second guess what we feel the Lord directing us to do. We do feel however that this whole experience has been an issue of God showing us that we can trust Him no matter what situation doesn't go according to plan. And he has moved my parents to be ever so gracious to offer to loan us the money for tuition! So with that taken care of Jessie has applied for several positions in Beijing and I am waiting to hear back as to my acceptance to the university there.
So continue to pray for Jessie to find a job and for me to be accepted to Peking University. If those two things don't happen, then maybe that will be the final answer that we're not to go, but so far we're going for it. 
I've also been really challenged to pray for God's guidance in to what the outcome of this whole university experience will be. When I get my degree what do we do next? I've always said that I know that my purpose is to get this degree but I've never prayed about anything beyond that. So as I think about what it is that I'm supposed to do with this our hearts have been continually drawn (as they have always been) to missions. So while all sorts of different jobs sound interesting...that's all they are is interesting. However, missions get us both excited. So, we're praying for God to give us guidance as to what the end goal of all this is. If it's a normal job somewhere, fabulous, if missions, great, we're just praying as to which it is. Thanks for reading and praying for us, it means a lot to be a thousand miles away but still connected. We love you and miss you all.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you've made your decision. Will continue to pray for you both. :)

Suzie said...

Praying for you! Both for now and future! Exciting things are happening!

Anonymous said...

J&J -

I love the blog. I especially enjoy the food pix. I hope you get to move on to China so that Deb and I can come visit and try some stinky tofu.

The pic of Jesse with the kids is too precious. This looks like such a great adventure and one that will bond you together in a whole new way.

I so look forward to a pic of you in Tiennamen (?) Square or the Bird's Nest with a big smile on your faces. If not, perhaps your journery will lead to be photographed in front of some other even more fabulous place!

All the best,
